About Bydand Therapy

Our Values

Reality: we are here to help you get aligned with what is true; your feelings are important, but they are not always a clear indication of reality and how to make choices.

Resilience: safety is an essential part of therapy. However, more importantly we value resiliency. That is, developing more psychological strength and your ability to bounce back to life's difficulties. You can either be haunted by your past, or you can be initiated by it.

Responsibility: we are here to help you go from reactor to actor. Responsibility is the ability-to-respond to life effectively. To do what works even if you are uncomfortable. You are not a victim, you have choices.

Results: lastly, we value tangible results. We are here to help you practically create a more meaningful life. If our therapy is not helping you produce the results you want, fire us. We will then help you find a therapist that can.

Therapy is not always comfortable. Life isn't suppose to be happy all the time.

We like to parallel psychotherapy with physical therapy; because in psychotherapy you also need to stretch yourself in order to heal. Avoiding the work can create more work in the long-run. We'll spot you, but you'll need to do the heavy lifting. If you are willing to lift the weight, you can change.

Why are we different? Because we are not trying to fix, mollycoddle, or tell you what you should be doing. Rather, we are here to practically guide you in a process to work with what IS in order to create a more meaningful life.

Our Services

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.”

-Marianne Williamson

Are you ready to take the first step?

Meet Our Therapists

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor Frankl


Colt Gordon

Founder / CEO / Primary Therapist
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Support Staff & Partners


Ellyn Silverman-Linnetz

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Jerry Wise

Bowen Family Systems Consultant
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