
Ellyn Silverman-Linnetz


About Ellyn

As a Registered Dietitian with over 25 years of experience who practices a non-diet approach to nutritional therapy, it’s my strong desire to support and empower you. Specializing in working with clients with  disordered eating issues and chronic dieting.  Intuitive Eating and HAES are part of my philosophy. However, I also provide nutritional counseling on a range of topics from PCOS, Cardiovascular disease, food allergies and a variety of other topics. I am a firm believer in the healing power of body acceptance and self-nurturing, and my practice is judgment free and open to everyone. Please come meet with me in my Seal Beach office, or virtually!

Why did I become a Registered Dietitian?

I knew at an early age… Actually it’s in my high school yearbook under my name! Being very interested in science and wanting to go pre-med, I however, had a few role models that were in the nutrition field that swayed me. The connection between nutrition and health was fascinating to me and still is. Nutrition is a science based area of practice and it’s relation to health is ever changing.

The passion for working with clients in the area of eating disorders and disordered eating arose from my love to work on putting puzzles together… not all the pieces fit and you sometimes cannot find the right piece… But eventually you come up with an end result that works. The treatment of eating disorders is not linear- there will be some hills and some valleys. It takes patience, insight, and compassion. Food is not the issue but only a symptom of the problem.

In addition, I also support clients with other nutritional issues, such as menopause, PCOS, and chronic health conditions. For example, menopausal woman have challenges around food, weight, and their changing bodies. Men also have their own set of unique challenges regarding their health issues, and body image. Each client that comes through my doors will see that their story is unique- I will meet each client with where THEY are at in their process.

My work gets me out of bed and on my way with purpose. It’s an honor to continue to be a part of this field and learn something everyday.

With gratitude,

Ellyn Silverman-Linnetz

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