Meet The Bydand Team

Meet Our Therapists

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor Frankl


Colt Gordon

Founder / CEO / Primary Therapist
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Support Staff & Partners


Ellyn Silverman-Linnetz

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Jerry Wise

Bowen Family Systems Consultant
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Our Mission: Increasing Accessibility for Psychotherapy Services

At Bydand Therapy, we are dedicated to increasing accessibility to psychotherapy services, particularly in rural areas of the United States; currently, in California and Wyoming.. We understand the challenges that individuals in rural communities face when it comes to accessing mental health support. That's why we are committed to bridging the gap and providing quality therapy services to those who need it most, regardless of their geographical location.

Areas we are currently seeking to provide more services to:

Telehealth psychotherapy in the state of California

Telehealth psychotherapy in the state of Wyoming

Our Services

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